Friday, March 19, 2010

sex with the shrink

So, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but... it to look more attractive to a man? a man can sweep you off your feet?
...because of that boy you had sex with? he will find you more attractive? other men will find you more attractive?

Not even in the ball park.
Maybe I should switch to a female therapist.


  1. What a bastard. Switch swicth switch.

  2. AHAHAHHA God so sexually minded.

  3. eugh, what a douchebag... I'd say switch, too.

  4. guys are freakin dicks! even as therapists!

  5. Well, this is not a very sophisticated colleague, isn´t he? Simply forget him, or better:
    Ask him for the telefone number of a nice female therapist, it will piss him off, but maybe it will make him think...
    I am sorry that you had to live through this, hopefully in the end it will make you stronger.

    Wish you all the best.

  6. right, because it's ALWAYS about a man, isn't it?

    insensitive, narrow-minded, mysoginist ASS. drop him and move on. you deserve better.

    I hope you find a smile somewhere today.

  7. blah - please tell me this shrink is not considered an ED specialist, what a moron.

    Drop him, find someone who has a brain.

  8. I agree with everyone here... So closeminded. How is he possibly to help you when he has NO way of grasping ANYthing you're feeling or thinking? Definitely find someone else...

    LOVE! <3

  9. Yes. It is always for a man. Never mind a complex myriad of others triggers or links. It is because we want men to bang us. Good one motherfucker. Change your therapist now! <3

  10. Yes. It is always for a man. Never mind a complex myriad of triggers or links which manifest themselves in an ED. No. It is because we want men to bang us. Good one motherfucker. PLEASE change your therapsit <3
