Tuesday, February 2, 2010

and another and another

He didn't reject me and he didn't forget me. He called me and laughed with me and took me home with him again. And we slept together but we only SLEPT together. Then last night, again, the same. And here, ladies and gentleman, we have "the shift". He still likes me, but we have reverted back to friends. Or he still likes me, but it means more than sex now. Or he still likes me, but he is just not attracted to me (because he's gay or because I'm horrible or both).

But one way or another he still likes me. I'll take that.


  1. sex is just sex, but friendship and actually sleeping together is really worth something :D maybe it will develop slowly. love it for what it is in the mean time.

    i hope you're doing better, soul mate! i am doing worse but i made the first step in a drunken panic the other night and contacted a therapist. so i am waiting to hear back from them. i am terrified but kind of feel relieved too. maybe i will not be the only one who has to bear this secret.

    LOVE and kisses and sending you some courage your way xx x

  2. It's partayyy time(ex .)!

    Hmmm, well that was a lame thing to say.
    But it gets my point across.
    If only there were an exclamation mark up there (is currently changing full stop to exclamation mark)... done!

  3. Your entry made me smile. Guys don't usually put extra time or effort with someone they don't care about. Maybe you have something here.

  4. kinda like being comfortable being in the same room as someone and not talking... sleeping and not having sex is totally a step change, a good one.



  5. All I can say is that when it comes to matters of the heart, you are bound to get hurt (burned). And people almost always act strange ...

    Nice blog I just found.

    XXX, Kim

  6. SOUL MATE! come back from the abyss!!

    i've given you an award. you deserve it.

    xx x
