Saturday, February 13, 2010


I tried to eat a little and I ate a little too much and threw up. But nothing too nightmarish and I think I needed the metabolism catch up. I will try to resume liquid fasting again tomorrow.

Love you all! xx


  1. Happy trailing.

    I never realized how much I loved that empty feeling until this morning when, no matter how relaxed I made my stomach, it remained totally flat.

    Emptiness...just feels...alive.

  2. You'll get it back on track, darling.
    You're still doing AMAZING.

  3. you will get back on track, I agree with the others, your doing so well! everyone slips up now and again, stay strong lovely.

  4. Ahh, you have done so well! To be able to fast.... a dream for me! Keep it up, and congradulations on the not going out of control, as I did with the breaking of a 2 day fast..... So hard.
    Your Control!
