Sunday, November 7, 2010

i have realised...

...that now-a-days the only times I ever blog are when I'm drunk.


  1. This is a problem (for me).

    Get drunk more often. It's good for you.

    I'm convinced.
    (I convinced myself.)

    Which reminds me: Must buy wine.

  2. I agree with Lina - get drunk more often ;)

  3. hello i always love you pasco.
    i do.
    don't give up.

  4. Sigh. You used to be such an inspiration.

  5. That's how I started being obsessed with my weight.
    Few months ago used to party every single day, obviously was drunk, mostly. I stopped eating for days, who wants to eat with a "pumpkin head" the next morning?! and I lost around 4 kilos at that time...and realised that i look way better when I am skinny. However now I'm trying to cut down on parties! It's being taught!

    Love your blog xxx
