Sunday, January 24, 2010

help me a little

I need to not throw up for a few days. My cheeks are swollen, my heart rate is rapid and uneven, and my neck and ribs and back hurt. In that way that creeps up on me and makes me realise that things have stepped up a notch and really aren't good.

So please, and I know this is selfish given how unsupportive I've been lately, but please, if you could leave me some little morsel of encouragement... Just let me know I can do this. 3 days. I NEED to not throw up for 3 days.

Thank you
x P


  1. Of course you can do this. You have done it before -remember?- so you can definitely do this again.

    Rather than skip breakfast and lunch which tends to precipitate night-time binging which then leads to purging, eat something light in the morning? Yoghurt, fruits, anything you like.

    Don't drink so much at night either, Pasco!

    You can definitely do this. We're all rooting for you!


  2. OK, you can so do this. If I can somehow pull my shit together and actually do school reading and only eat like 2 clementines a day for the past few days, I know you (being infinitely more courageous, and awesome) can do it, even if it's bumpy at first.

    Pasco for the win!

    If you feel the urge, look me up on skype (my boring first and last name) and we can type type type your urges away. I can ask you all about your exotic accent and being a doctor.

  3. You can do it! It might seem daunting right now, but just take it day by day and you'll get there! Best of luck and feel better!

    xx, Birdie

  4. You absolutely can break this! You will make it through 3 days with ease - and fuck you may even keep going with it. It may very well become your new "thing".. Instead of falling back on purging you'll just say no too all the lovely junk because you really don't feel like throwing up.

  5. You totally can can!

    You don't have to worry and fret over it all day for those three days though. Just come meal time. Remind yourself that you are going to keep this meal down.

    Just take it a meal at a time.


  6. You CAN do this. Don't throw up. Don't do it. Just don't do it! x x

  7. You are DEFINITELY capable, love.
    Your body needs a break, and you need to let it have one, no matter what you eat.
    If you need anything, just drop me a line.
    Good luck, I have faith in you!!!

  8. We all believe in you.
    You'll do it easily, because you are strong.

    Don't you forget that.

  9. agree on the small meals. and stay out of the flat. just don't be there, avoid it, stay out shop whatever and eat small snacks that you only like enough to eat when you're hungry.

    good luck, hope you feel better soon!

  10. You can do it!i believe in you! i would give you advise but what works for me might not work for you. you've done it before and you know what worked so try that again.

    btw you are a complete inspiration to me. we have similar heights (im 169cm) and my UGW is 48 too. and seeing you get to 51! wow!

    all my love and support
