Friday, October 30, 2009

Today I ate my weight in icecream...

My weight was nicely down this morning. Blessed hangover weight. But the scent of self sabotage was in the air and I filled myself to the brim with various confections. I emptied myself again, but never quite enough, and I'm sure I'll be fatter tomorrow.


  1. I ate pizza and doritos yesterday-no puke, GAH! I had to keep that junk DOWN!! >:( if it makes you feel any better, you are not alone in your lil hiccup.

    We'll get past this Pasco! Today is today, a PROACTIVE day! Remember your old tricks to fight hunger and stave off cravings!

    Water. Coffee. Gum. Only allowing salads/veggies/fruit for "binges". Distractions. Manipulating your thoughts and not indulging in your daydreams...these are some of mine.

    Hope this helps! Be strong Pasco!

  2. oh you should have seen me the other day with the ben and jerrys tub :( At leadt you can purge, I just can't figure it ok, stay strong xxx

  3. Lot's of water when this happens.....

  4. haha, I ate my weight in food today, no purging.
    tomorrow isn't going to be my best day.

  5. Fat doesn't make you fat.

    But I'm no biologist.
