Sunday, May 17, 2009


Poo bum
100 cal day today
I'm terrified

54.3kg (119.5 lbs) yesterday morning. Which means my BMI has just inched under 20 for the first time ever. It's nice :)

I don't want to weigh this morning because I'm sure it will probably be up again. I did well yesterday... I just... you know...


  1. WOW! Under 20 that's awesome! Mine is 20.2 so I'm nearly there *fingers crossed*. I really hope you last many calories are in green tea? Or are they negative b/c they make ur metabolism faster? Anyway stay strong not to weigh urself, as for me I couldn't hold out any longer and had to look. Forgive me.

  2. That's good! Really good! :D And under 20? Woow... Someday I just might get there to :)

    Go on girl! You are an inspiration to us all !
